
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for Hair Loss

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for Hair Loss
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for Hair Loss

At Uniquely You, we’re proud to offer a solution for patients looking for hair restoration solutions. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for Hair Loss is a great treatment for those who are in the early stages of hair loss. This is a non-surgical treatment where we inject your own platelets into your scalp. 

PRP for Hair Loss is a safe, non-surgical alternative for hair regrowth. PRP contains growth factors that stimulate tissue regeneration. When injected into the scalp, these growth factors trigger new hair growth that is thicker and denser.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for Hair Loss

The Benefits

Stimulate hair growth

‍Increase hair density & thickness

Decrease hair loss & shedding

Minimal side effects (own plasma used)

‍Natural, organic approach to treat hair loss

Non-invasive hair restoration

Before & After

Behold the incredible transformation captured in these before and after photos.

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What to Expect

Appointment Time

60 minutes

Pain Level

Mild to moderate

Common Side Effects

Sensitive skin

Recovery Time

No downtime. Mild sensitivity may be present for 24 hours.


3-4 treatments every 4-6 weeks for optimal results, with a maintenance treatment recommended every 6 months after.


See it in action

How does it work?

Frequently Asked Questions


How does PRP for Hair Loss work?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) or “liquid gold” is the perfect treatment to not only rejuvenate the skin, but to stimulate cell growth within the body. PRP for Hair Loss treatments increase blood supply to the hair follicles, helping to encourage new hair growth and maintain current hair.

This is a natural, organic solution for hair loss without the use of medications or invasive surgery. Your plasma is a component found in your own blood, and through careful extraction, this Platelet-Rich Plasma is safely and precisely injected into your scalp.


How is PRP for Hair Loss treatment performed?

PRP for Hair Loss is performed in the following three steps:

Step 1 – Your blood is drawn by our experienced and trained Nurse Injector, using a special collection tube, which is then placed in a centrifuge to spin. 

Step 2 - The centrifuge will then separate the red blood cells from the plasma. This process concentrates the platelet counts. 

Step 3 - The Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is then safely and precisely injected into the scalp for treatment, increasing blood supply to the hair follicles.


Will I need time to recover after PRP for Hair Loss treatment?

There is no downtime or recovery time after a PRP for Hair Loss treatment. However, it is recommended to avoid using harsh chemicals on the hair for at least 24-48 hours post-treatment. 


How many PRP for Hair Loss treatments will I need?

The number of treatments vary from person to person. Optimal results are seen after 3-4 treatments, separated by 4-6 weeks. Some patients may require more treatments based on the severity of their hair loss conditions.1-2 treatments are recommended per year for maintenance. During our complimentary consultation at Uniquely You, we will determine the amount of treatments needed and create a tailored treatment plan based on your hair needs.


Is PRP for Hair Loss a permanent cure for baldness?

It is important to note that there are no permanent treatments for baldness, as this is a genetic medical condition. However, PRP for Hair Loss has been proven effective to treat androgenic alopecia (aka male-pattern or female-pattern baldness). PRP for Hair Loss treatments are perfect for those who want to have thicker, fuller hair naturally, with no downtime.


How much does PRP for Hair Loss treatment cost?

At Uniquely You, PRP treatments range from $550-$650 per treatment. The number of treatments needed to achieve your goal will be determined during your complimentary consultation at Uniquely You. Package pricing is available. 


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